Friday, July 31, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The famous Feynman lectures online

I guess I have to thank Mr. Gates for this one.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Very interesting wiki on fiction writing...

Throw a couple of these together and you have a TV episode, novel...

Monday, July 6, 2009

Drive recovery people in bay area

Everyone swears by these guys, and they're pretty close to the SF office:

There was a good thread on SF Ads a couple weeks ago with suggestions about data recovery tools and stuff.

You might want to search the archives for disk recover. There was a ton of good information.

Anyways, you can try this adapter which is recommended by an Adobe employee's blog called "Newer Technology USB 2.0 Universal Drive Adapter"

Key remote team take aways

For better collaboration:

- Figure out that culture's metaphors for teams
- Remind people they're on the same team, make team salient
- Treat people in "normative ways" to show part of a team in collectivist cultures
- Video game competitions across seas
- Localization of meeting notes
- Change status reporting to "team showing off events"