Thursday, June 18, 2015

How to add a blank option to a pulldown menu

What Sharepoint doesn't like when it comes to copy and paste

It's doesn't like newline characters

The only way I got Sharepoint to choose the "right" column for the Title column was to create it by hand and then copy/paste.
Last post in this thread:

Best reference on how to import Excel into Sharepoint list
One thing it didn't mention is that you have to be on Windows and using IE (at least in my experience) since Active X is needed to launch Excel. Also note the helpful comment about adding the sharepoint URL to the Trust Sites if you get an error.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

When using XML import for Ai

Make sure the variables column that Ai will use for it's data set identifier are unique, otherwise it will say that it's an invalid file and just block the import.

Good helpful links:
Online web converter from Excel (copy/paste) to Ai XML

Good tutorial:

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

IE's URL max length is 5120 characters

What our team figured out through many different and onerous tests is that the max URL length that IE supports is 5120 before it starts to just truncate. Come on IE, work like other browsers and get rid of the character limit please.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Liked the answer on ownership