Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Pool pump and solar panel Pentair

Turn on/off solar via Heat menu at top level, not inside of the Settings menu

Monday, September 25, 2017

Pump type - VS

For the panel it's VS stupid...:)

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Scarcity, abundance and tunneling


* Study showing after 6 months after being debt free, without other intervention street vendors go back into the same problem they were having before
* With time, you have too much abundance at first. You need to make distant things (like deadlines) seem more immediate.
* Tunneling is the key thing - when you're in a crisis you only see the problem, not the bigger issue.
* If you take tunneling, then the best incentives are those positively impact the tunnetl - that make you do the right long term thing by impacting your choices in the tunnel.

Loneliness study

People speak into a microphone and think that someone either is or is not speaking to another person. Those that are lonely "choke" when they think someone else is listening.


Mystery shoppers, 401k, index funds, well diversified

Ended up being recommended active funds when people they were talking to were not fiduciaries.


Steve's verses on Old Testament taxes

From Steve Converse's outline on 9/17/2017
Direct taxes
  1. Levite's tithe - 1/10, paid to support Israel's theocratic government (Lev 27:30)
  2. Festival tithe - annual tax used for cultivating national life (Deut 12:10-19)
  3. Welfare tithe - once every 3 years, used to support welfare services (Deut 14:29)
  4. Temple tax - annual half-shekel tax on men 21+ for tabernacle/temple (Ex 30:14)
Indirect taxes
  1. Gleaning tax - leave some in the field to be gleaned by the poor (Lev 19:10)
  2. 7th year fallow tax - any crops were left first for the poor and then livestock (Ex 23:10-11)