Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Oh MY gosh, this killed me for two days...

Couldn't figure out why all the examples were breaking...until I remembered to do a Google on the error message I was receiving:
"VerifyError: Error #1053: Illegal override of subtopic in mx.messaging.Consumer"

The answer is to:
If you look in the properties for a Flex project under FB2 w/a CF8 server, you'll see that there's an entry pointing to {cf_install_path}/wwwroot/WEB-INF/flex/libs/fds.swc. This library conflicts with the Flex2 framework SWCs that come with FlexBuilder. The solution?? Pretty easy.

In the project's Properties panel (right-click the project and hit Properties...) you'll see a Flex Build Path entry in the list on the left. Click it, then choose the Library Path tab on the right. Now click "Add SWC Folder..." and navigate to your CF server's {cf_install_path}/wwwroot/WEB-INF/flex/libs folder and click Choose. This will add the {cf_install_path}/wwwroot/WEB-INF/flex/libs folder as a Flex2 library folder to your project.

Arg! Full original post with more info is here.

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