Sunday, September 24, 2017

Steve's verses on Old Testament taxes

From Steve Converse's outline on 9/17/2017
Direct taxes
  1. Levite's tithe - 1/10, paid to support Israel's theocratic government (Lev 27:30)
  2. Festival tithe - annual tax used for cultivating national life (Deut 12:10-19)
  3. Welfare tithe - once every 3 years, used to support welfare services (Deut 14:29)
  4. Temple tax - annual half-shekel tax on men 21+ for tabernacle/temple (Ex 30:14)
Indirect taxes
  1. Gleaning tax - leave some in the field to be gleaned by the poor (Lev 19:10)
  2. 7th year fallow tax - any crops were left first for the poor and then livestock (Ex 23:10-11)

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